Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD) is a Fire Department located in Brandywine, PRINCE GEORGES County, in the State of MD.

 Information about Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

 Fire Department's Headquarter

Brandywine Fire Department
Location: 14201 Brandywine RD
PO Box 238
City: Brandywine
State: MD
Zip: 20613-0238

 Phone & Fax

Phone: 301-883-7740
Fax: 301-372-0146

In Case of an Emergency, call 9-1-1

Are you the Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD) Fire Chief?
Are you a Firefighter at Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD) or a member of the Brandywine community? You can help us to keep this page up to date:

 Mailing Address for Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

Brandywine Fire Department
    PO Box 238  Brandywine  MD  20613

 Map of Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

 Organization of Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

Dept Type: Mostly Volunteer
Organization Type: County Government
Number of Stations: 1
Career Firefighters: 25
Volunteer Firefighters: 27
Paid per Call Firefighters: 0
Civilian Non-Firefighting: 0
Volunteer Non-Firefighting: 16

 Website/Facebook Page of Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)

Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (PG County FD)