Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department is a Fire Department located in Hurley, BUCHANAN County, in the State of VA.

 Information about Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department

 Fire Department's Headquarter

Hurley Fire Department
Location: RT 1 Box 42

City: Hurley
State: VA
Zip: 24620-9515

 Phone & Fax

Phone: 276-566-4183

In Case of an Emergency, call 9-1-1

Are you the Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief?
Are you a Firefighter at Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department or a member of the Hurley community? You can help us to keep this page up to date:

 Mailing Address for Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Hurley Fire Department
RT 1 Box 42      Hurley  VA  24620

 Map of Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department

 Organization of Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Dept Type: Volunteer
Organization Type: Local
Number of Stations: 1
Career Firefighters: 0
Volunteer Firefighters: 14
Paid per Call Firefighters: 0
Civilian Non-Firefighting: 0
Volunteer Non-Firefighting: 0

 Website/Facebook Page of Knox Creek Volunteer Fire Department