Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.

Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D. is a Fire Department located in Philomath, BENTON County, in the State of OR.

 Information about Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.

Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.

 Fire Department's Headquarter

Philomath Fire Department
Location: 38811 Hwy 223
Po Box 116
City: Philomath
County: BENTON
State: OR
Zip: 97370

 Phone & Fax

Phone: 541-929-2111

In Case of an Emergency, call 9-1-1

Are you the Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D. Fire Chief?
Are you a Firefighter at Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D. or a member of the Philomath community? You can help us to keep this page up to date:

 Mailing Address for Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.

Philomath Fire Department
38811 Hwy 223  Po Box 116    Philomath  OR  97370

 Map of Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.

Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

 Organization of Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.

Dept Type: Volunteer
Organization Type: Local
Number of Stations: 1
Career Firefighters: 0
Volunteer Firefighters: 15
Paid per Call Firefighters: 0
Civilian Non-Firefighting: 0
Volunteer Non-Firefighting: 5

 Website/Facebook Page of Hoskins - Kings Valley R.F.P.D.