Below are listed all the USA Fire Departments in alphabetical order. Click on the letter (or number) that corresponds with the Fire Department for which you are searching. The page may take a few seconds to load due to the amount of Fire Stations listed.
You can also purchase the entire USA Fire Departments Mailing List in an Excel .xls file
# (1) | 1 (24) | 2 (5) | 3 (2) | 4 (4) | 7 (4) | 8 (2) | 9 (1) | A (1021) | B (1997) | C (2840) | D (817) | E (953) | F (1010) | G (1140) | H (1375) | I (241) | J (396) | K (459) | L (1491) | M (2027) | N (1087) | O (582) | P (1422) | Q (53) | R (1085) | S (2459) | T (961) | U (242) | V (360) | W (1746) | X (2) | Y (100) | Z (38)4-Communities Fire Department | COLUMBIA | Magnolia | AR |
421 Area Emergency Services Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. | SULLIVAN | Bristol | TN |
482 SPTG/CEF Fire Department | MIAMI-DADE | Homestead ARB | FL |
4th District Volunteer Fire Department | WALTHALL | Jayess | MS |